Saturday, May 21, 2011


by Stella

You may have heard about the theory about "the end of the world" set to take place today, May 21, at 6 pm, but what is it really? Harold Camping, an 89-year-old retired engineer and Christian radio evangelist who falsely predicted Rapture in 1994, claims that meticulous calculations point to today as the date of Rapture. Rapture is when true believers will rise into Heaven and be saved from suffering a massive earthquake that sweeps around the world, God's way of dealing with non-believers.

One question people have been asking is what time zone the 6 pm prediction is for. Well, the mighty earthquake will start in the Pacific Ocean at their 6pm and follow the time zones around the world.

Many Christians have been preparing for the rapture by saying goodbye to friends and family, and holding signs to inform people of Christ's return to earth. Have you seen this one by Harold Camping's Family Radio?

Anyone who accepts Christ as the messiah will be raptured, and Camping estimates these people to be around 200 million. Camping also claims that gay-rights movements are a sign given by God of the rapture, signifying that our world will be destroyed as Sodom was.

Atheists are not letting the rapture slide by unnoticed. Many are throwing after-rapture parties, and some have even started businesses to take care of believers' pets after they are raptured.

Which ever position you take, we will find out the truth at 6 pm today.

Works Cited

Betz, Dean. "The End-of-the-world FAQ Sheet : Hot Topics." SFGate. Web. 21 May 2011. .

Boyett, Jason. "Is Judgement Day May 21?" Beliefnet. 11 May 2011. Web. 21 May 2011. .

McGreal, Chris. "The Rapture: Judgment Day Imminent … If US Engineer Has Calculated Right." 20 May 2011. Web. 21 May 2011. .

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to read your sources - it this a color-of-font issue? You handled this issue well, indicating what questions are posed by some and answered by others, writing what some groups are actively doing and how others are responding to their own beliefs. -Ms. H
